Tower Leveling of 2 115kV Double Circuit Towers

Tower Leveling for Foundation Restoration on a Double Circuit Towers

Foundation Restoration

In the fall of 2022, AMPJACK® received a critical assignment from a transmission line contractor to address a tower leveling for a 115kV double circuit lattice towers in Matheson, Ontario, on behalf of Hydro One Networks Inc.

These towers had suffered nearly 4′ of lateral displacement at the peak due to foundation failure. Rising to the challenge, AMPJACK® employed its proprietary technologies and expertise to develop a customized solution that would ensure precise tower leveling and that the lines remained energized for the entire project. 

Challenges of Tower Leveling

The project presented formidable challenges, requiring a solution that could fully support and maintain positive control during leveling while both circuits remained energized. Adjustments were needed on both lateral and transverse faces of the structure further complicating the task. 

Solution Presented

With its commitment to innovation, AMPJACK® designed and executed a meticulous plan, employing its patented technologies to plumb the towers, and place them onto new foundations.

The custom solution allowed for fine adjustments to be made on each tower leg independently making sure that the tower was level. AMPJACK® provided engineered work methods, specialized tooling, and experienced technicians to support the contractor’s crew throughout the operation. 


Through dedication and technical expertise, the project achieved outstanding results, meeting all deadlines and staying within the allocated budget. AMPJACK® successfully restored both towers in just under two days each. This accomplishment exemplifies AMPJACK®’s unwavering commitment to delivering reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions for transmission line maintenance and repairs. 

The successful completion of this project illustrates AMPJACK®’s reputation as a trusted partner in the utility industry, capable of handling complex challenges with precision and professionalism. As we continue to advance sustainable solutions and cutting-edge technologies, AMPJACK® remains steadfast in its mission to enhance utility infrastructure’s efficiency and reliability, leaving a lasting impact on the industry we serve.